O guia definitivo para Inspire Therapy for Apnea

O guia definitivo para Inspire Therapy for Apnea

Blog Article

The small Inspire® implant delivers gentle pulses to your airway muscles to keep your airway open so you can breathe regularly and sleep soundly.

It might take some time for both you and your partner to get used to CPAP. At first, you might not be able to use it for the whole night. This is common. It's better to build up use slowly than to try very hard too early and give up. Be patient with yourself and with the device.

27. Atwood CW, Jr. Progress toward a clearer understanding of the role of bilevel positive airway pressure therapy for obstructive sleep apnea.

Try to Distract Yourself: Try using distraction techniques, such as reading a book or listening to music while trying to fall asleep. Doing so can take your mind off the discomfort and help you focus on something more pleasant.

A 2015 Swedish study published in the journal Sleep found that untreated sleep apnea doubled the risk of a car crash. And undiagnosed sleep apnea may have played a role in two commuter-train crashes—one in Hoboken, N.

It is also important to note that getting this device implanted makes you ineligible for certain types of MRI tests, which can interfere with future diagnostic testing.

As with all management algorithms, patient selection is critical and an important investigative tool includes DISE.

Try Medical Treatments: Talk to your doctor about medications that can prevent moisture loss, treat inflammation, and fight infections.

Add a Heated Humidifier: A heated humidifier adds moisture to nasal passages, reducing nasal irritation. If you are already using a heated humidifier, you can also try a higher humidification setting.

For some people, it may take additional time to adjust. David Levey, for instance, website estimates that he spent two to three months to feel fully comfortable with his CPAP—and to switch from a side sleeping position to a back position to keep his device from slipping out of place.

Add Moisture to Your Sinuses: Adding moisture to your sinuses encourages congested mucus to thin out while also reducing the inflammation that adds to your sinus congestion.

The most common side effects from the implant procedures are minor sore throat, pain at the incision sites, and aching muscles.

In this article, we want to help you better understand the most common complaints associated with CPAP therapy. We look forward to teaching you how to identify and manage these unpleasant side effects from your CPAP machine.

Try Lubricating Eye Drops: If this becomes a common issue, your doctor may suggest using lubricating eye drops to provide your eyes with additional moisture.

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